Thursday 7 December 2017

Happiness Starts With You..

We all want to be happy, however are we looking in the right places..

I realise that for as long as I can remember I seek for happiness in others (never put the key to your own happiness in someone else's pocket) in a relationship, in a job, within my friendships or even with money but finally it has dawned on me.. its not about having someone to cherish me, inspire me, motivate me, support me or to keep me focused & make me happy..I heard recently the term "people pleaser" I,m not to sure i like that reference to myself! 
 I need to look within, at myself.. stop searching in all the things above & find those things in myself.

I'm responsible for my own happiness....

My happiness daily I've come to notice depends on my outlook, my willingness & actions to make the best of each & everyday.. even on the days that i would consider a bad day,(mainly when my anxiety is in full swing)  or if things just do not go the way id hoped or planned, those days which feel like everything is a struggle or just plain difficult, those days I choose to reflect & look for the blessings & what I am grateful for..after all isn't happiness a state of mind?

A lot of events that have occurred in my life.. I think its been how i react to them & my thought process at the time that have either left me feeling upset,sad,annoyed at myself or happy with the way I have dealt with/handled them or just plain avoided dealing choices have lead me exactly where I am today.

I'm also learning that I need to empty myself & avoid negativity.. it doesn't sit well inside me.. I would much rather fill myself with positive feelings & be around people too who like me,who like me, carry hope with them, compassion, love & gratitude.. we need to work on our happiness every single day, take action to do so. 

My happy.. I will find you with steps I am taking daily.. doing my best to rid the negative emotions & basically just be at peace with myself, because if I am not feeling good then how do i expect to be happy?

 Do ONE thing everyday that makes you happy